Pay it Forehead, or When Did Giant Foreheads Become Socially Acceptable?

I have a huge head, and it’s roughly 40% forehead.  Whenever I casually refer to this fact, most people kindly try to reassure me that it’s really not that big. But it really is. You know that point in the early 90s when bike helmets suddenly got smaller?  Mine didn’t.  My head simply grew like […]

42K to Couch to 5K – The Training Plan That Got Me Running Less

For three weeks, the following visuals triggered a flash of pure rage in me: running shoes, technical fabrics, my Garmin, shorts, the gym, food with “energy” in its name, emails from the charity I’d run for, and anyone who was out running or might have just been running or was possibly just about to go […]

Not Much Distance Left to Run – How a Marathon Killed My Love of Running

It’s over Roughly six weeks ago I decided I hated Running.  In that moment, it seemed like a pointless activity in which the minimal gains were far outweighed by the physical, mental and time investment required.  Running had convinced the world it was accessible to anyone, but when anyone got involved, they were no longer […]

Why a Bad Night’s Sleep Won’t Make You Lose Your Job (Probably)

This is the third instalment of Sleep Slidin’ Away. Read Part I here; Part II (It Costs Sleep to Make Sleep) here. I blame Suede. I wasn’t planning on extending my recent sleep experiment to full on sleep deprivation, and then Suede went and played in an inconvenient location on a Saturday night.  By the time […]